Nice job
The Megaman segment and the multiple computer errors sold me. Priceless.
Nice job
The Megaman segment and the multiple computer errors sold me. Priceless.
There's a reason John Kerry is not going to be president, and it's because (as Reginald would say) he is a f*cking moron. John Kerry's military records are bogus, and the papers saying Dubya didn't serve were PROVEN fake. This movie is probably a pretty close interpretation of what that horse-faced flip-flopper did while he was in 'Nam. Good movie, I laughed heartily.
That fat bozo deserved it
Sorry, my honest opinion, with as much badmouthing as he does of everyone else, it's nice to see SOMEONE put him in his place.
Anyway, to all the people saying that this film is biased and "Bush Supporting, Moore Bashing" obviously didn't go to the effort of copy/pasting the URL to that note into their browser and reading it. Also they didn't see the episode of YAAFM that did a pretty good job zinging good ol' Dubya.
Great person to come back to the series with (especially considering the current timeframe), and good job of making obvious the side of Moore that the Bush-bashers and way-too-hardcore-Democrats refuse to see.
Don't be discouraged
Don't listen to people like Piccohan who think everything has to be perfect. First, you incorporated the sound and it's timing very well, and you used authentic Megaman sound FX (a big plus, cuz they're hard to come by). And who cares if in the DBZ-verse you have to be born a Saiyan and yadda yadda yadda? To people like the last guy who posted here, it's a freakin' flash spoof. Who cares if it goes against your DBZ-fanboy religious beliefs a little? No reason to straight out insult someone's work. There's a lot of potential here. Keep practicing in Flash, and I'll be sure to check out "The Marble."
[Insert Witty Text Here]
Age 40, Male
Palmdale, CA
Joined on 8/17/04